
Southfield School

Mary sherman Mccord library

“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life.” 

– sidney sheldon



Library In Preschool

Southfield School’s motto, “Developing a lifelong love of learning,” reverberates throughout our Library. Preschool students listen raptly to the stories presented and prepared by Librarian, Laurie Bridel. They learn to follow directions and respond appropriately to questions about the stories read to them.  They have fun and look forward to “going to the library” – and visiting their favorite library friend, Chocolate the bear!  


daily library enrichment

Students in the Lower School (1st-4th) practice reading and listening during their daily time in the library. They seek additional books by favorite authors and delve into books and authors recommended to them by classmates and Mrs. Bridel. During preparation for Civilization Fair, students use the library to research their individual projects. They are encouraged to check out books to take to class and home while learning to take care of the books and return them on time.   


middle school & Open library

The Middle School students have time to read or play chess, puzzles, or checkers, during Open Time in the Library. Time to search for questions of interest beyond the classroom curriculum is available. In addition to the fiction section, factual, non-fiction books of varying reading levels to accommodate our students are on hand, as well as many of the series books popular with MS students. Students are encouraged to use the search the online databases, leading them via the digital Dewey Decimal Classification System.   


The new, state-of-the-art library was donated and dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Mary Sherman McCord by her sons in 2014. Southfield families love to have such a welcoming and up-to-date center of learning.

A substantial section of fiction and professional books is available for teachers and parents to use. All are welcome to browse and checkout from this collection and we encourage our parents to join the Parents’ Book Club!

book fair

Each year the library hosts a Fall and Spring Book Fair. It’s a great week to visit, test-read books, and find educational toys and games. Students, parents, grandparents, and other special friends are encouraged to purchase books during the weeklong celebration of books!

"A Whole New World"

A look at the 2021 Fall Book Fair.

Daily Library Visits

First graders learn to love reading with daily visits to check out books.